With Valentine’s Day upon us, it seemed appropriately cliche to talk about love. Specifically a few of the things I love. When it comes to tokens of affection, I love the idea of giving someone something really unexpected and thoughtful, like a tiny box. I am mad about boxes!
All Your Stuff = A Disastrophe Waiting to Happen
We have too much freaking stuff. I’m not kidding you. I know you know it. I know you probably live it. It’s how I met some of you (thankfully!) and it’s the reason I keep doing what I do. I want to help you. I really do. However, you have to want my help. You have to be ready to get help. As my new client Janel says of working with me, “You have to be willing to get rid of a lot of shit!”
It’s All About Curating – Not Copying
Several months ago I wrote a post about Restoration Hardware’s ad campaign and how much I hated it. So now I need to backtrack a bit. Having now been in to RH to see the pieces individually, in all of their Belgian-Axel Vervoodt-inspired glory, I am totally in love. Axel is one of my biggest design inspirations. He has a style that verges on really spare, but is full of warmth, like a super-comfy weekend cottage. All of his designs have an organic bent, as if they just occurred on their own and were always meant to be there.
How to Fix Horrible Holiday Decor
Although I love this time of year, from an interior design perspective, it also happens to be the most terrifying for me. People are just downright out-of-control. I’ll forgive the lawn full of disparate lighted animals (llamas, and penguins?!). I’ll overlook the retina-burning-blue-Hanukkah-lights. I’ll even give you a pass for the inflatable anything folks have decided is festive. I know that people get excited about the holidays. I get that. What harms me is the Every-single-red-Santa-sparkle-deer-snowman-tree-fugliness approach to holiday decorating. Stop it.
Roommate Style – Design Tips for Co-habitating
The reality of being young and living in the San Francisco Bay Area is that you already have or probably will have, roommates. Paychecks are now smaller and harder to come by and spending on single-living-situations is a luxury not many can afford. Although rental prices have come down, they are still so much higher than they should be for far less space than we all need. Such is the conundrum of living in such an incredible and vibrant area. Pooling financial resources is the number one way singles are making a go of it.
What is “Industrial” Really?
Flipping through the latest issue of Elle Decor I came across the new Restoration Hardware ad campaign. They’ve taken a new direction and that’s good, however, I think someone drank too much of the Kool-Aid with respect to the “industrial” bent of the room styling.
Fabulous Finds for the Budget Impaired
I love the space and time that we’re in when it comes to interior design. There has never been a moment like this one – a place where industrial, French, traditional, vintage, ethno-glamour, and minimalist can co-exist at auction, on fabulous web sites, and even in one home! While of course there are still firm believers in the mono-culture of specific design styles (mid-century modern anyone?) it’s an exciting time to be re-doing your space as there is so much amazing treasure out there to find!
Special Guest
Hidden away on a residential street, next to an ethnic market, and two doors down from a barbershop, our store is not exactly easy to see or find if you’ve never been here. However, a year ago we experienced a happy “accidental finding.” San Francisco-based interior designer Jonathan Rachman found us when he was going to get food nearby. That visit was our intro to Jonathan and his amazing aesthetic.
Autumn’s Warmth and Wonder
Autumn has become my most favorite time of year. The weather isn’t yet unbearably cold, Halloween is on its way, evening hot cocoa outside seems right, and the Flower Mart is brimming with amazing gourds, branches, and gorgeous Fall blooms. When it comes to flower selection, it doesn’t get any better in my opinion. Brides who choose Fall for their wedding have so many magical options.
Collecting the Melancholy
Sometimes when I wake up I’m hit with a wave of melancholy that comes out of nowhere. I stare out my bedroom window and watch the clouds go lazily by and I get this sense of anxiety about how much of the world is out there and how much I have yet to see and how many people I have yet to meet and…It’s hard to come back down to earth and center myself on the things that matter right now, today.