I honestly love everything in my store but at any given time I do have favorites. Right now I am crazy about a beautifully made, sinfully comfortable, pomegranate print arm chair. It’s the absolute perfect curl up and read chair or somewhere to snuggle when it gets cold outside. The print is very elegant but the styling is definitely modern.
Thank You Friends
Thank you to all who helped celebrate our 1 year anniversary May 1st. It is always so much fun to see all of our different friends coming together to share food, fun and laughter. While the past year has been a huge learning experience and we have all been through many changes, I am continually amazed by the people who come into our lives every week.
A lot of things inspire me. In fact, I have the “shiny red ball” syndrome when it comes to creativity. I can be traveling down a path when suddenly, OH! A shiny red ball! And I’m off in another direction. It makes for some interesting chaos but in the end it all comes together quite beautifully.
In With the New
You know me, I’m always open about what’s going on at the shop. Everywhere I look another business is closing its doors – from nationwide franchises to locally owned small shops. It’s hard not to feel despair. I feel as if I’m standing on the dock, waiting for the rescue ferry to come and it just hasn’t gotten to me yet. I’m still here and as of this moment I’m still in business.
Things to be Thankful For
It’s been a little while since I’ve had a chance to update you all but good things are happening. When times are slow, it gives me the opportunity to reevaluate the space, and how I want it to flow. I’ve removed a lot of items but added others that work so much better. If you haven’t come by in a while, I invite you to stop on in! Oh, and if you can, bring me a skinny vanilla latte. 🙂
Inspiring Minds Want to Know
My daughter and I went treasure hunting early Saturday morning in San Francisco. In our search for a good cup of coffee we came upon the most gorgeous shop, Collage Gallery, tucked into a warm little space on Potrero Hill. I can’t possibly do the space justice with my words but it is truly a shop full of inspiration.
Celebrate Your Space
As Summer comes to an end I’ve been exploring new themes in anticipation of Fall – darker colors, warmer woods, and interesting plants that invite a second look. Creating sacred space to me is about combining things that you truly, deeply love, with comfortable furniture or warm, soft, textiles.
Exciting New Lines!
You might have noticed that I’ve been absent for a little while but rest assured, all is well at Apartment 46! I recently attended the San Francisco International Gift Fair (SGIF) to hunt for new and unique products. To say that the show is overwhelming is an understatement, however, it was easy to focus when I stayed true to the philosophy of the shop: It must be beautiful, natural, creative, unique, and bring the buyer joy. Lastly, but probably most importantly, I also have to love it!
Treasure Hunting
Over the last several weeks I’ve been hunting and gathering for clients, looking for those one-of-a-kind, “Where did you get that?!” sort of items that feel right the minute you see them. While I have carefully curated the shop so that I display only things that I myself would want to buy, there are always a few items that come through that almost don’t make it here because I want them so badly for my home.
Small Space? Big Style!
It doesn’t matter how small your living space is, you can still create a cool, comfortable and well-designed place to spend your time. I’m not talking about a home full of IKEA Lack tables and woven floor cushions. I speak from personal experience when I say that even a one room apartment CAN have huge style. It’s how you feather your nest that counts!