A big part of the philosophy behind the store is my desire to connect with people on what matters to them and what they find beautiful. A few posts back I shared how much I love my customers, and that is definitely true. As all businesses try to weather these very tough economic times, the kind words of those that visit and who genuinely appreciate what I am trying to do, keep me afloat. I was just checking out Yelp and I found some amazing reviews from my customers.
I really do try to make a point of learning my customers’ names (when they visit me more than once!) and I end up very interested in what they do and what they’re about. Yesterday, I was invited to come view the garden of a really sweet customer. I plan on taking her up on it!
For the most part we live very disconnected lives here in the U.S. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy my introversion and nights at home as much as anybody but there is a huge difference between the “European Style” of life and ours. When my daughter and I stay in Amsterdam, after only a few days the shop owners know our names, our preferences, and are setting aside special flowers or cookies or whatever because they know we’ll enjoy something. It makes the visit seem like home and I hope to offer that in some small way to my customers.
Toward the end of summer I’m planning on having a few wine nights to be able to spend some time getting to know people a bit better and enjoying their company in the setting of my shop. It would be wonderful to see you there!